Sunday, October 16, 2011

Fun in Arizona with Family 10-9-11 to 10-16-11

I just spent a sunny, warm, fun-filled week in Arizona. It all started with my sister Susan. She picked me up at the airport and took me to her house and we had dinner with her family and my Mom. On Monday Susan and I went shopping and had lunch. My plan was to finish my Christmas shopping for my family in Arizona. I even left the wrapped packages there. Tuesday, more shopping and another great lunch with Susan, Ellie, and Mom. Then Cole came and took me to his house.
Now this is the reason I am in Arizona, I am babysitting three of my grandchildren. Cole and Alicia won a trip to Disney Land. They took Cheyanna and Jordan. So, I got to play with the little munchkins! This is Deegan, he is 4.
This is Treyton, he is 3.
This is Londyn she is 18 months. She doesn't call me grandma, she calls me mama, I will take what I can get.
We had a blast together. They wore me out. We went to the park everyday to play. We watched movies at night. We played games together, my new favorite is Toy Story Yahtzee! We read stories. We made waffles. We went on a walk around the neighborhood. We made a grocery run to Walmart. We went to Baskin Robbins for ice cream. We bonded together! I just love these little ones! I do need them to give me some of their energy so I can keep up better.


thorkgal said...

Who wins trips to Disneyland!?! That's awesome... even more awesome is having you as a babysitter. Want to come to my house? ;)

little pink moth said...

Do you want to come stay with my kids the next time we win a trip to Disneyland? Or just come and stay while we escape?