Sunday, October 9, 2011

At Peace 10-6-11

On Thursday , October 6, I finished reading the Book of Mormon this year. It has caused me to reflect upon spiritual things. I have come to realize that I am feeling so at peace in my life. My reflecting has helped me realize where the source of this peace is coming from. The Temple is a great place for me to be. I have been going 3-4 times a month this year. This has made such a difference in my life.
Praying and reading the scriptures on a daily basis helps me to have the spirit with me. I am learning to recognize when the Holy Ghost is speaking to me. The important thing for me is to act immediately when I get the prompting. By doing this I am getting better at recognizing the promptings. When I don't read once a day, I really feel like I am missing something.
I love these magazines and the church news. I read from them alot too. I feel like my testimony is growing stronger all the time. I have also come to recognize that that when I am seeking the will of my Father in Heaven and then do it, my life goes so much better. I am grateful for the peace in my life.


the hawker's said...

I love this post. You are such a good person aunt Rochelle! Love the last magazine on the bottom of your stash. Good choice! :)

thorkgal said...

You are a great example. I was just knocking myself down today for NOT listening to the spirit. I've got to step it up.
When you read the short stories in the back of Ensign, know that my hubby usually illustrates them and we are his models quite frequently. See if you can spot us. ;)

little pink moth said...

Thanks for sharing, Rochelle. You have a sweet testimony.