Tuesday, June 7, 2011

First Camping Trip - June 6 & 7, 2011

Finally, a nice weekend to go outside and do something. So we went camping up to the Moody Meadows area. The weather was great! It was so nice to just relax.Here is Clinton, he and Melvin gathered wood for the fire.
Mandy was lucky enough to hang out with us old fogies.
We camped with our friends, the Rudd's. Here is Melvin.
Clinton, just relaxing.
Gailiene and I are such camping beauties!
Clinton is bringing out his inner child with this little motorbike.
Max, the Rudd's dog, he is our body guard.
Still alot of snow up in the mountains. On Friday night it really got cold when the sun went down. You could see our breath.
A very unusual, artistic fire. Interesting to look at with all the branches sticking out.
And of course we had s'mores. This is just a staple for camping. We came out Sunday morning so we could go to our ward in Sugar City.


thorkgal said...

You picked up where you left off... old friends and good times. Arizona probably seems like a dream. :)

Unknown said...

The top picture makes Clinton look lie he's wearing a wig at first glance. I made Cole log on and check it out. haha