Sunday, April 15, 2012

Highlights 4-15-12

We sure had a fun week!  I just love it when my grandkids come to stay!  We did all kinds of fun things!
The fruit pizza was a delicious treat.
Kaden decorated my sidewalk with pictures.
The kids enjoyed building this track and driving the cars on it.
These games are a real favorite with the grandkids.
We picked up Grandma Barrett and went to Kiwi Loco for yogurt.
Courtnie, Kaden, Kimmi and I went to the Lorax Movie.
Courtnie wanted to make "Super Hero" capes.  Of course, Emma got a Princess one.
Kaden got a John Deere one.  Courtnie did a good job sewing them.
Yummy!  We all loved the rice krispie treats with M&M's.  These are Grandpa's favorite treats!  What a fun week we just had!  What am I going to do now?  I have nobody to play Candy Land with.  I guess Clinton and I will go back to our "Quiet" life.

1 comment:

little pink moth said...

Looks like you all had a great time!