Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas 2011

It is that Wonderful time of year again. We are feeling very blessed right now. We are celebrating this season with family and are enjoying every minute. The Barrett Family Party was December 23rd at my house in Sugar City. Jimmy, Stacey & family; Kirk, Kathryn & family and Clinton, Me and part of our family had a very fun evening. We enjoyed good food, lots of visiting, a gift exchange and of course the traditional Nativity. Each year the participants are different, but the story of Christ's birth is the focal point. How blessed we are to have a knowledge of our Savior and the great gift of the Atonement he gave to us.
We have been counting down the days to Christmas with this Angel Advent Calendar. It is also a long standing tradition. On Christmas morning there was much excitement because of the believers among us. I just love having little children around and the excitement they bring.
Emma modeling her new pillowcase.
Kaden showing off some of his gifts.
Courtnie likes her new bowl.
Chelsi looking very stylish with her treasures!
Grandpa excited with his gifts.
The best gift of all was Christmas falling on Sunday. We got ourselves ready to go to church to enjoy the real meaning of Christmas. It was a wonderful meeting filled with beautiful music which brought the spirit in abundance. How grateful I am for the gospel of Jesus Christ, and this wonderful time of year when we get to celebrate his birth and focus more on him. I have been grateful for opportunities to serve and for those who remembered us this season. We have much to be thankful for!


little pink moth said...

Where did you find the ornament bottle soda? We had it a few years ago at Walmart, but haven't seen it since. I look for it every year and the boys are always asking for it.

thorkgal said...

I need grandkids! This Christmas without believers is for the birds.