Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Surprise! 1-5-12

What a surprise it was when Ramonda Furness called and asked me to be in the Food Stuff section of the newspaper. Funny thing is, she said someone requested me and my recipes. This has caused me to laugh for a few days. Anyway, I said yes. I had to come up with 7 recipes and have something made to show when she gets here. I asked my kids and Clinton to tell me what their favorite dishes are. 1. Brownie Trifle ( Better known as Better than Sex Cake) 2. Hot Taco Rice 3. Clam Chowder 4. Broccoli, Chicken and Cheese 5. Whole Wheat Bread 6. Razzle Apple Streusel Bars 7. Chicken EnchiladasWhen Ramonda came over, I asked her to take my picture with my camera so I could blog it. She wanted me serving up the desert.
This Brownie Trifle got the most votes from my family. I have had people ask for this recipe through the years. It is as yummy as it looks!


ashley said...

That's awesome! Wow. What an honor! Also, I love that dessert.

little pink moth said...

Congratulations, Rochelle! I understand it is quite an honor to be featured by Ramona.