Grandbaby #11 is here. His name is Kash. He was born on April 9th. They live in West Pasco, Wa.
Don't you want to just kiss those chubby cheeks?!
Sweetest picture! Emma, Kaden and Kimmi sure do love Kash
Tyson, Emma, Kaden, Kimmi and I took a drive to the Country Mercantile and had a picnic lunch. We also had some of their delicious ice cream.
I was not home on Easter, but Clinton sent me this lovely flower arrangement. He sure knows how to make me feel special.
After the kids found their Easter Baskets and we went to church, we got to color Easter Eggs.
Emma, Kaden and I are doing our best.
Tyson and Kimmi are doing a good job too.
I love to take the kids to the library. We came at the right time and got to hear stories read during story time.
Grandma is having fun with cute little Kash.