Monday, June 3, 2013

Memorial Weekend 2013

Saturday, May 25th, we went for our annual Cemetery Ride.  We always start at the Sugar City Cemetery.  We placed flowers on Clinton's Grandma & Grandpa Arnold's graves.  Wilford Cemetery is next.  We visit four graves there, my Dad, my Grandma & Grandpa Barrett and my Uncle Bill.  Out to Plano we go to see Clinton's Mom and Dad, his Grandma and Grandpa Chandler and his baby sister.  Our last stop is the Little Butte Cemetery in Annis.  My Grandma and Grandpa Hedelius are buried there.  This is my favorite cemetery.  I love all the trees and the location of it.  I always enjoy reminiscing about our loved ones who have passed on. 

Flowers at one of the graves we visited.  Our friends, Brian and Jacque Madison visited for a couple of days this weekend.  One of the people they know in Rexburg has been diagnosed with cancer so they stayed with us while they were seeing him.  He doesn't have much longer on this earth.  After church on Sunday we went up to Aspen Acres, just outside of Ashton.  We have parked our camper there for the summer.  This will make camping easy to do because we are already set up.

Monday, May 29th, Jamie & Darla; Pam & Ivan; and Clinton & I went to Yellowstone Park for the day.  We were celebrating Pam's birthday.  We saw Old Faithful and the Falls at the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone.  Can you see the Falls behind us?  When we got back to West Yellowstone, we hooked up with Ronnie & Paula and their kids for dinner and the Playmill.  We watched "Beauty and the Beast".  It was a fun production.

Here is a random picture of an Oreo, banana shooter.  I was given these great shot glasses for Christmas to make desert shooters.  I also tried a strawberry, banana shooter.  Yum!  We had two BBQ's this weekend.  We had some friends over on Saturday to BBQ and play games.  Then on Sunday we had the Rudd's over for dinner.  Gailiene just had surgery so we wanted to make dinner for them.  I just love to host parties!  I always love to try new deserts for these occasions.

1 comment:

little pink moth said...

I am so jealous. I miss doing family stuff! Glad you had a good time.