Friday, October 21, 2011

The Kitchen is Painted 10-21-11

Painting the kitchen has been quite a project. I first painted over the wallpaper. By the time I had put three coats of paint on, it still was not covering very well. It also showed every imperfection on the wallpaper, and to top it off, the yellow I chose was not a good yellow. I had my first painting disaster! Ugh! So in my anger I tore the wallpaper off the walls. The next day, I started taking the adhesive off, it actually came off easier than I thought it would. At this point, things started looking up. While I was on my trip to Arizona, Clinton finished taking the wallpaper off and filled all the holes with putty and sanded! Can I just say how awesome he is!!! When I got home, he sanded one more time and I wiped down all the walls in preparation for the paint. It took me three days to paint, and it looks awesome! Now I just have to say that Chelsi kept telling me to paint it green and I wouldn't listen to her. It is hard to say that I was wrong and she was right, but she was. (There I said it!) You can see the before and after shots. Before the paint, but after taking the wallpaper off.
After the painting
Now that the kitchen is put back together, it was all worth it. I guess I will be listening to Chelsi more often! To get a better look, just stop in and check it out.


little pink moth said...

Yay you! It looks great. Now all you need to do is to paint those cabinets red. Let's ask Chelsi first.

the hawker's said...

Love the paint color! And I love your black hutch! Amazing! Great job!

thorkgal said...

I love green! And that looks great. You gals are painting fools! What fun.Oh, by the way... I left a mirror that needed a face-lift (black paint job) at D.I. for you that would look great in your kitchen. It was to big to bring home. ;)